Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What this all means

My brain is a crazy, haphazard Grand Central Station, with trains departing at all manners of the incorrect time, no schedule to speak of. In that station things just happen when they happen, and the occasional collision sends the station into a frenzy. It is in this manner I feel like everyday with my mind is like running with scissors for me, there's always the danger I'll trip and fall.

Like anyone else, having a venue to rant and rave about my failures, shortcomings, or even the occasional delight is incredibly therapeutic, and time will tell if this holds true for me. I hope by doing this others can gain insight into my life, because the few and far between that choose to read over this stream of consciousness should be informed of all the things I have to say anyway.

Anyway, today is more of a trial post than anything, nothing interesting today except my fifth drivers test failure. Sort of devoid of emotion for now, too much going on to care. My dog passed away yesterday and I buried him myself, without shedding a tear. I'm not claiming to be manly or anything, I cry a lot, this was just sort of a pleasant passing, and I was glad my family didn't need to put him to sleep. All said and done, one would think after 13 years I'd shed a tear for his passing but it's funny how things surprise you from time to time.

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